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Join us for an exclusive webinar where we will explore the capabilities of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in simplifying container management. Learn how to leverage AKS to streamline your container-based application deployment and management.During this webinar, we will discuss the following key aspects of AKS:

  • Efficient Traffic Management: Discover how using Azure Application Gateway as an ingress controller adds URL-based routing, SSL termination, WAF security, and autoscaling to ensure efficient traffic management.
  • Robust Security: Understand how AKS ensures robust security for your applications with features such as master components security, node security, cluster upgrades, network security, and Kubernetes secrets.
  • Scalability: Learn how to scale your applications using manual scale, horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA), cluster autoscaler, and Azure Container Instance (ACI) integration.
  • Network Concepts: Explore how to provide networking to your applications in AKS, including services, Azure virtual networks, ingress controllers, and network policies.

Join us to gain insights on how to optimize your container management with AKS and take your applications to the next level. Register now to secure your spot in this informative webinar.